98% of our curated collection of 2,000+ toys are gently used, recycled toys. Toy donations have come from 100+ families across the Cape, helping to keep toys out of the landfills. Our Toy Doctor volunteers also make toy repairs to extend the useful life of the toys.

Businesses have given toys as in-kind donations and grants have enabled the purchase of toys such as science and math toys.

Your interest in making a toy donation is very much appreciated. Please use the following guideline for what types of toys we have in our collection as well as types of toys we can and cannot accept for our collection. Every donation is truly appreciated. Sponsorship for a collection or mini collection is also welcomed.

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Here’s a sampling of toys each collection category.  

Creative Play: building blocks, construction-engineering toys, design toys

Sensory Play:  musical instruments, sequence beads, puzzles

Physical Play: tossing games, climbers, slides, balance toys, hula hoops   

School Play: alphabet & word toys, math & science toys, cultural toys

Pretend Play: cars, trucks, boats, animals, dolls, cooking/food sets, tool sets  

Infant Toddler Play: music boxes, stacking, sorting & pull toys

Special Needs Play: specialized & adapted toys for various needs

Game Play: cooperative, matching, memory, word, strategy & family games

We especially appreciate:

  • Wooden toys and eco-friendly toys.

  • Toys that can be used in more than one way.

  • Toys that can be used by more than one age group.

  • Toys that have been selected as Parent Choice Award winners.

  • Toys and books that authentically represent different cultures and families.

  • Children’s picture books by award winning authors and illustrators.

  • Reference books about child development, play, and parenting.

  • Storage bins of all sizes and attractive baskets for storing and displaying toys.

We do not accept:

·       Toys manufactured before 1978 or toys recalled due to safety concerns.

·       Toys in poor condition or not clean.

·       Toy guns or swords or toys that encourage violent play.

·       Barbie dolls or similar glamour dolls.

·       Television or movie character toys, including Disney characters.  

·       Stuffed animals.

·       Electronic/battery operated toys.

However, there are exceptions, just ask.

  • We can sometimes accept parts of toy sets as replacements for missing pieces or create a new set.

  • We also accept some household items and furnishings as well as recycled items for creative play.

To inquire about items you would like to donate, please email  or call 508-648-3227   

Please note: Donated items are occasionally given to other organizations or families or sold for fundraising purposes

Thank you for thinking of Cape Cod Toy Library, Inc. for your donation of toys and books. Many children and families benefit from the play-based learning experiences you help to make possible. Thank you!