
Growth has increased each year from the start with community engagement from foundations and individuals supporting our mission. In just 6 years, Cape Cod Toy Library, Inc. has grown 705% from 2017 total revenue of $24,401 to 2022 total revenue of $196,409.

Just prior to the pandemic, an “incubator space” was established at First Lutheran Church (6A) in West Barnstable, MA. Our opening event was June 1, 2019 with Family Play Day events each Friday and Saturday until March 2020.

During the pandemic there were silver linings. During the pandemic, we produced online educational videos for access on our You Tube channel, cataloged our toy lending collection of 1,500 toys, and developed a collaborative outreach project to create an Outdoor Play Oasis in the backyard of Hyannis Public Library. Securing a Mass Development “Resurgent Places” grant and matching funding from the community as well as substantial in-kind donations of products and labor made it possible to construct the Outdoor Play Oasis. Our Toy Lending Library opened May 7, 2022 and the Outdoor Play Oasis grand opening was October 15, 2022.

Community engagement has continued to grow with increased number of visitors and family program participants at the Toy Library during our open hours on Saturday’s 10-1 and at the Outdoor Play Oasis throughout the year.

The challenge ahead is to support the demonstrated community need for accessibility to our unique, enriching educational Community Play Space and Toy Library resources with a permanent space that can accommodate increased open hours, increased staff and staff hours.

For additional information, please contact us at

Links for our 990’s are listed below.