The “Outdoor Play Oasis” is an outreach initiative of Cape Cod Toy Library, Inc. in collaboration with Hyannis Public Library. It provides an enriching community play space in in the backyard of Hyannis Public Library in the center of downtown Hyannis.
Thanks to Lower Cape TV Arts Light for creating the documentary “Creative Community Shapes Place and Play” below. (August 2022) “When the creative economy crosses the public space, the ordinary can take new turns. The Cape Cod Toy Library collaborated with the Hyannis Public Library, Architect Mary-Ann Agresti, and Graham Construction and ended up shaping a new, nature-focused playscape in downtown Hyannis and re-imagining the concept of a public play space.”
The “Outdoor Play Oasis” is an outreach initiative of Cape Cod Toy Library, Inc. in collaboration with Hyannis Public Library to provide an enriching community play space accessible to Cape residents and visitors throughout the year.
Located in the backyard of Hyannis Public Library
401 Main Street, Hyannis, MA in the center of downtown Hyannis, next to JFK Museum
The Outdoor Play Oasis is designed for families with children up to the age of 12 to enjoy FREE of charge any day of the year, from Dawn to Dusk.
Enriching family programs, including bi-lingual programs, when funding and weather permit.
For more information on programs/events, follow us on Facebook or our Events page.