It Takes a Team
The “Outdoor Play Oasis” collaborative team of Cape Cod Toy Library and Hyannis Public Library along with Barnstable Town leaders, Hyannis Main Street, non-profits, community and civic service organizations, Architect (Mary-Ann Agresti), Landscape Architect (Chris Buccino), Graham Construction (Chris Graham) as well as a diverse group of volunteers all committed to creating a safe, engaging, inclusive community space that welcomes all to play, imagine and create as well as connect with others.
Interested in helping maintain the Play Oasis? Plan inclusive, enriching, play-based programs? Let us know on this form or email or call us 508-648-3227
An enriching outdoor refuge where meaningful, memorable, intergenerational interactions and joyful learning can happen every day!
An outreach initiative of Cape Cod Toy Library in collaboration with Hyannis Public Library. This Oasis, located in the center of Main Street Hyannis, is EASY TO ACCESS by foot, bike, car, bus, boat or train and is FREE to ALL.
Hooray! Thanks to tremendous community support the Outdoor Play Oasis is now open!
We successfully raised $125,000, thanks to MassDevelopment’s (TDI ) $50,000 grant plus $75,000+ from grants and individuals! An additional $100,000 of in-kind support has come from community businesses and individuals.
Additional funds are needed to support the maintenance and enriching educational programs for families at the Outdoor Play Oasis. We appreciate your support!
Please see attached overview information document that includes letters of support for this community project.
For additional information, please contact us:, 508-648-3227, or mail Cape Cod Toy Library, Inc., PO Box 555, E. Harwich, MA 02645
The Hyannis Public Library is excited to partner with Cape Cod Toy Library to create access for our community families to a rich variety of resources and experiences to engage minds and bodies and foster curiosity and confidence….The vision CCTL as for activating HPL’s yard for the benefit of the community … not only benefits each institution, but also stands to enrich the entire community. - Antonia Stephens, Director, Hyannis Public Library
Huge thank you to Mary-Ann Agresti, Chris Graham, Chris Buccino!
Although Hyannis is a large rural area, we have very few safe places where children and their parents can go to ‘discover’ magical places that inspire thought and creativity and the love of the outdoors. This collaboration is a fabulous way to form a vital service to the community where the focus is on children’s formative education, play and behaviors. - Robin L. Hayward, Director, A Baby Center, The Cape & Islands Only Diaper Bank
The Outdoor Play Oasis is a dream come true, for children and families in the heart of Cape Cod on Hyannis Main Street!
Our Outdoor Play Oasis is designed to serve as an enriching outdoor refuge where meaningful, memorable inter-generational interactions and joyful learning can happen every day through exploration and creative play.
For additional information, please contact us:, 508-648-3227, Cape Cod Toy Library, Inc., PO Box 555, E. Harwich, MA 02645